Temple of Mother Goddnesses
at Noethen / Pesch |
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At the Thime when Celtic an Germanic tribles lived here, there was a tree sanctuary in this place. People then used to live close to nature an even worshipped their gods in nature. It was by the influence of the Romans that people began to erect stone buildings in this holy place. Thus the first temple buildings can be dated back to 50 A.D. In th course oft time the whole stite was redesigned serval times. It was given ist final shape about 330 A.D. Then this was a place of pilgrimage up to 450 A.D. |
After 450 A.D. all buildings and effigies were destroyed by other invading tribes. As early as 160 A.D. People here in the Rhineland began to portray the locl patron goddnesses who were carved in stone relief. The worship of these three goddesses goes back to Celtic times. The kind of garments an bonnets, however, was identical with Germanic festive costumes. And the inscriptions on the stones are in Latin, documents of the Roman tradition in this area. The complete temple site was investigated by archaeologists between 1913 an 1918. The ruins were laid open an partly reconstructed under the authority of the Rheinische Landesmuseum Bonn. |
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© Copyright Arbeitsgruppe
G.U.Knackstedt, L.Köppinger
wingarden 2004
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